A Place To Sew

It is very important to have a specific area for sewing. Whether you have an extra room to transform into a sewing room, a corner of a room, or a closet, Designate this space specifically for your sewing. Nothing hato be elaborate. You just want to be comfortable and have the necessities. (Check our page on EQIPMENT and TOOLS page.) You will be surprised at how sufficient and comfortable a closet can become with a few shelves, baskets to put on the wall for storage, an ergnomics chair, and a small desk, table or a wooden board, and a couple of plastic bins for storage of patterns. Make sure you use your vertical (up) space.  You will be surprised and well pleased with how much space you actually have.  Also, you can put a buletin board on the wall. This can be used for tacking up notes, pattern instructions, etc. An over-the-door ironing board is good for small spaces. If you use a wooden board or something similar, you can use two (2) small vertical filing cabinets for patterns and other items, instead of a desk. Your space needs to be comfortable for you.  Make it your own.

If you have a larger space or room, there are so many things you can do with it; including, but not limited to, a stationery table for cutting fabric and other jobs you need to do.  A stationary iron, pressing, steaming area.  Maybe an assembly area and, of course, a comfortable reclining area where you can do hand sewing or crocheting.  I have certainly enjoyed mine.  Really, use your imagination, and (surprise!) yourself. 

Sauder Sewing/ Craft Cart - American Cherry      Sauder Craft Armoire - Antiqued White        Sullivans 12575 White Sewing Machine Cabinet Desk
Wood Plans IFS-#1013 Sewing Center Cabinet